Saturday, December 3, 2011

Filtered info.

Some of the questions that the mainstream was asking had a 

ton to do with the Tea Party, or is it true that all the 99% was 

99% White, and stupid questions like ‘Why aren’t all these 

many people trying to find a job’. First of all this is not a 

political movement, we are fighting to keep the greedy Wall 

Street pigs out of our political system. So going out in the 

streets for a political party would beat our purpose. Something 

I told dumb ass CNN, Do I look white to you?? Do these 

people of the Union look white to you?? (They were mostly 

Afro American, Latino, and Asian). The most stupidest 

statements like ” It seems to us that there is not a clear 

demand from the people” When there are tons of signs 

around the Channel 7 crew that say “Tax Wall Street”, “Make 

Banks Pay”, “End Corporate Influence”, “End The FED”. Like 

really these people of the media just want to see an impulsive 

reaction or statement so that they could label us as 

unorganized or as communists. This is not a political 

movement. It’s an intellectual Evolution! ( Revolution ) 

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