Saturday, December 24, 2011

Probably my favorite image I shot so far. The moment was perfect, I want to find the family of this child and give them a big print of this. If my generation fails to save this planet. I hope with everything I am that her generation will be the one to change this system. Or else it could be too late. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

This is our calvary. The whole world is Watching!


DJ Blens Summer Show

Filmed, Edited, Produced 
by Daniel U Magana 

Sound track: Avicii - Levels

Co-produced by Dream Events

Hoot Lenses (OvO)


This 11-11-11 We Occupy As One

11-11-11 One world, one day, one movement. The people of California, Occupy Long Beach, Make Banks Pay, ACCE, SEIU, Red Meets Blue, and End Corporate Personhood act as one in this day by organizing a massive demonstration against corporate greed, corporate political influence, and stand up for global peace. We invite you on this day to be a part of history and to let your voice be heard amongst the one voice of the people. Let it be known that when the long haul is over, there will not be a 1% nor will there be a 99%. It will all be one. The world is a single organism that consists of all elements of nature including ourselves and a world at war with itself is doomed. Therefore we need to recognize that there is no other and that we are all one.

Please join us at

200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3224
Meet at 11:11 am to get ready to march at 12:30 pm
Daniel U. Magana 

Soundtrack: "We're Not Moving" by Echo and Narcissus

Sunday, December 18, 2011

October 15th Global Occupy DAY!

Enough said. The global Occupation day!

October 15th 2011! 


She has had enough. Save America.

It's not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. 

Enough Said!

Enough said.

Their monopoly will collapse like a house of cards.

There have been legal monopolies since 1939. 

Bad for America!

There are now many occasions when demonstrators and 

costumers go into Bank of America and City Bank to close 

their accounts and they lock all the doors and don’t let them 

leave. This is illegal by the way, according to fire laws. I 

guess banks can’t do that unless someone is trying to rob a 

bank or something. I’ll try to find the article I read about it. 

Anyway, this guy went up in front of hundreds in the middle 

of a meeting to announce that he canceled his Bank of 

America account and cut his Card in Half. The crowed went 

wild and cheered, it was a pretty cool moment. 

Just Another Meeting ( For Those who think we're unorganized)

Everyone is welcome to attend all Occupy LA meetings 

every day at 6:00 pm at the south stairs of the LA City Hall 

located in the intersection of 1st and Spring St. This meeting 

was a bit different because the people of Occupy LA were 

expecting the arrival of Dr. Cornell West. He had a ton to say 

to the occupiers. Unfortunately I don’t have any Images of 

Dr. Cornell West because I recorded his speech instead. 

The Video Will be up soon and I’ll be sure to post it here. 

P.S. Oct.15th pictures up soon 

-Daniel U Magana


If you know what this means, let me know. 

Awesome Characters!

Some cool characters I’ve met at Occupy LA/Demonstrations 

The Voice of The People!